- 18 January 2021
On Thursday 28 January, the CS3MESH4EOSC EU funded project will organise a virtual half-day workshop entitled “Moving Towards the Adoption Phase for Science Mesh”, co-located with the CS3 2021 Conference. This event will be focused on the real adoption, roll-out & implementation of the Science Mesh within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The Science Mesh, a service developed by CS3MESH4EOSC project, enables the users to retain control over their remote or domestic datasets, while becoming FAIR compatible and integrated with the EOSC at the same time. Users are able to directly access the service provided by Science Mesh from easy-to-use interfaces and discover the different functionalities, as well as develop application plugins or easily set-up federations in their own scope and develop their own activities on top of them. The Science Mesh goes beyond the general-purpose storage services from multinational companies, by providing an interconnected platform suited to the particular needs of researcher and students at European academic institutions and increasing scientific knowledge coming from both the academia and the research industry.
The CS3MESH4EOSC project is moving from the "Building phase" through an "Adoption phase" at beginning of 2021 to engage with Science Mesh main target stakeholders, namely the end users and research communities, institutional operators of services, commercial and non-commercial software developers and policy makers.
If you would like to know more about the main achievement of CS3MESH4EOSC, we invite you to attend Pedro Ferreira's 15-minute presentation (Pedro is Technical Coordinator of CS3MESH4EOSC and Project and Service Manager at CERN) entitled "CS3MES4EOSC - creating a mesh for Open Science", on 26th January at 14:05.
The main goal of the Science Mesh Workshop for the CS3MESH4EOSC project is to initiate a collaborative dialogue with early adopters and potential vendors willing to contribute to the final development, deployment and adoption of the Science Mesh.
The workshop participants will be able to use the first initial set of data services from the Science Mesh and understand the different and next phases of its development and promotion. Use-cases will demonstrate the main benefit of the Science Mesh regarding the integration of Sync & Share services with data science environments, collaboration and productivity applications, data-research lifecycle, digital repositories and large data transfers, amongst others. Last but not least, participants will understand the necessary approaches for adopting Science Mesh and increase the offer of services for collaborative research and working environments.
Check the detailed agenda of the Science Mesh Workshop and save your seat