Project deliverable

D4.4: Full validation of application and use-cases for all workflows

Published on: 13 Oct 2023

Brzeźniak, Maciej; Burger, Armin; Castro, Diogo; Sieprawski, Marcin; Wichliński, Piotr; Aben, Guido; Lo Presti, Giuseppe; Hößelbarth, Juri; Angenent, Holger; Trompert, Ron; Prins, Antoon; Zimniewicz, Michal; Antos, David; Alfageme Sainz, Samuel; Romasanta, Angelo Kenneth; Orellana, Frederik

This document provides an analysis and summary of the work in WP4 of the CS3MESH4EOSC project related to the full validation of the applications and use-cases integrated with the EFSS in the context of portability and re-usability of the integrations a.. Read more

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Project deliverable

D4.2: Demonstration of application functionality (all workflows) in a user group

Published on: 12 Oct 2023

Brzeźniak, Maciej; Burger, Armin; Castro, Diogo; Sieprawski, Marcin; Wichliński, Piotr; Aben, Guido; Lo Presti, Giuseppe; Hößelbarth, Juri; Angenent, Holger; Trompert, Ron; Prins, Anton; Zimniewicz, Michal; Antos, David; Alfageme Sainz, Samuel; Romasanta, Angelo Kenneth; Orellana, Frederik

This document presents the state of work in the WP4 of the CS3MESH4EOSC project, related to preparing demonstrators of the application-level functionality provided on top of an EFSS. These application areas include Collaborative Data Science environments, C.. Read more

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Project deliverable

D5.3: Final report on dissemination and exploitation of project results

Published on: 01 Sep 2023

Meneses, Rita; Mari, Marialetizia

This CS3MESH4EOSC's final report on dissemination and exploitation of project results, which summarizes the work done in WP5 but also across all the other work packages, to advertise and promote the results of the Project.

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Project deliverable

D5.4: Communication & Stakeholder Engagement report

Published on: 25 Aug 2023

Meneses, Rita; Mari, Marialetizia; Colucci, Luigi

The CS3MESH4EOSC “D5.4 Communication & Stakeholders Engagement Report” reports on the activities and achievements of the project, with a special focus from M19 (July 2021) to M42 (June 2023).

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Project deliverable

D4.5: Report on future FAIR data architecture in ScienceMesh within the FAIR landscape in Europe

Published on: 24 Aug 2023

Orellana, Frederik

In this document, we report on the background and implications of implementing a FAIR data
architecture in connection with the Danish EFSS service

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Project deliverable

D5.5: Business impact assessment and roadmap for effective management

Published on: 07 Aug 2023

van den Berg, Gideon; Romasanta, Angelo Kenneth

This report presents an overview of the Science Mesh, its vision, goals, governance, and contribution to EOSC and FAIR. The lean canvas is then used to highlight the primary challenges and opportunities, including the problems being addressed by the Science.. Read more

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Project deliverable

D3.5: Full definition and implementation of the protocol, platform and applications

Published on: 05 May 2023

Gonzalez Labrador, Hugo

This document describes the state of the protocol, APIs and applications in the ScienceMesh platform. It aims to provide a quick reference to the software repositories and documentation produced so far, as tangible results of the CS3MESH4EOSC Project.<.. Read more

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Project deliverable

D2.5: Service Included in EOSC-Future

Published on: 30 Jan 2023

Müller, Daniel; Angenent, Holger; Antoš, David; Daneček, Milan; Furter, Renato; Trompert, Ron

Report on the inclusion of the ScienceMesh into EOSC-Future.

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Project deliverable

D3.4: Report on integration with peer-to-peer storage

Published on: 26 Jan 2023

Baldi, Stefano

This report describes the work done with regards to the implementation of ScienceMesh integration within the Cubbit platform.

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Project deliverable

D2.6: Final report on implementation of security policies and procedures

Published on: 31 Dec 2022

Furter, Renato; Trompert, Ron; Antoš, David; Angenent, Holger

Final report on implementation of security policies and procedures for the ScienceMesh.

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Project deliverable

D4.3: Report on challenges and guidelines for collaborative user communities

Published on: 30 Jun 2022

Romasanta, Angelo Kenneth; Gülten, Gökhan; Ahmadova, Gozal; van den Berg, Gideon

This report looks at the challenges in the adoption of the ScienceMesh and proposes guidelines on how such infrastructures can maximize engagement with researchers.

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Project deliverable

D2.3: Full Implementation of Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Published on: 07 Mar 2022

Müller, Daniel; Angenent, Holger; Antoš, David; Daneček, Milan; Furter, Renato; Prins, Antoon; Trompert, Ron

Project deliverable detailing the implementation of ScienceMesh's Quality Assurance and Monitoring infrastructure.

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Project deliverable

D2.4: Implementation of security policies and procedures

Published on: 07 Mar 2022

Furter, Renato; Trompert, Ron; Antoš, David; Angenent, Holger; Gonzalez Labrador, Hugo

Project deliverable detailing the implementation of ScienceMesh's security policies and procedures.

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Project deliverable

D4.1 Demonstration of application functionality (all workflows) across federated share

Published on: 04 Nov 2021

Brzeźniak, Maciej; Burger, Armin; Castro, Diogo; Sieprawski, Marcin; Wichliński, Piotr; Aben, Guido; Lo Presti, Giuseppe; Heiss, Peter; Angenent, Holger; Trompert, Ron; Prins, Antoon; Zimniewicz, Michał; Antos, David; Alfageme Sainz, Samuel; Romasanta, Angelo; Orellana, Frederik

This document presents the state of work in the WP4 of the CS3MESH4EOSC project on integrating
user-level applications and usage scenarios within the ScienceMesh federation.

The CS3MESH4EOSC consortium is building a federated mesh of sync &.. Read more

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Project deliverable

D3.3: Application-specific extensions integrated with the protocol

Published on: 21 Oct 2021

Gonzalez Labrador, Hugo; Müller, Daniel; Angenent, Holger; Lo Presti, Giuseppe; Aben, Guido; Ferreira, Pedro; Sieprawski, Marcin; Antos, David

This document describes all application-specific extensions integrated with the protocols and APIs developed for the Science Mesh project.

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Project deliverable

D5.8: Second revamp of the project website

Published on: 30 Jul 2021

Marialetizia Mari; Jacopo Mariani; Rita Meneses

This document describes the main website for the CS3MESH4EOSC Project, following its first (D5.7 - M10) and second (D5.8 - M18) revamp, since Trust-IT took over task 5.1: Branding & web-based support tools and the management of WP 5 Dissemination, explo.. Read more

212 Views94 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.2: Science Mesh service operational procedures

Published on: 30 Jul 2021

David Antoš; Milan Daneček; Daniel Müller; Renato Furter; Ron Trompert

The Science Mesh is designed to be a highly distributed platform with a very lightweight and almost fully decentralized infrastructure. It consists of several Independent Sites running their own Enterprise File Sync and Share systems. Each of the Sites is e.. Read more

283 Views119 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.2: Initial Implementation of the Platform - Demonstration

Published on: 09 Jul 2021

Hugo Gonzalez Labrador; Diogo Castro; Giuseppe Lo Presti; Samuel Alfageme; Ishank Arora; Pedro Ferreira; Milan Danecek; Miroslav Bauer; Daniel Muller; Armin Burger; Piotr Wichliński; Marcin Sieprawski

This document accompanies the Work Package 3 deliverable D3.2 ("Initial implementation of the platform"), available in video format (screen recording) at

The goal of this do.. Read more

285 Views112 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.1 Implementation of federated identity and group management

Published on: 12 Mar 2021

David Antoš; Milan Daneček; Daniel Müller; Renato Furter; Ron Trompert

This document accompanies the Work Package deliverable D2.1, which is a demo available as a video (screen recording) at The demonstration itself would be of little information value without proper explanation. Mo.. Read more

256 Views106 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.7: First revamp of the project website

Published on: 08 Dec 2020

Francesca Spagnoli; Rita Meneses; Silvana Muscella; Mirko Santori; Lorenzo Calamai; Luca Fiore

Under the set of activities planned in Work Package 5, a specific Task under 5.1 “Branding and Web-based Support” for the updated version of the CS3MESH4EOSC project website for external dissemination of results has been set up. The first versio.. Read more

182 Views81 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.1: Initial Definition of Protocols and APIs

Published on: 16 Oct 2020

Hugo Gonzalez Labrador; Guido Aben; David Antos; Maciej Brzezniak; Daniel Muller; Jakub Moscicki; Alessandro Petraro; Antoon Prins; Marcin Sieprawski; Ron Trompert

This document describes the development and definition of a set of vendor-neutral protocols and APIs necessary to build the full Science Mesh service, including federated sharing of data, access to application functionality and infrastructure integration. O.. Read more

231 Views104 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.1: Communication and stakeholder engagement plan

Published on: 30 Sep 2020

Sara Pittonet; Stephanie Parker; Rita Meneses; Silvana Muscella; Lorenzo Calamai

This communication, marketing and stakeholder engagement strategy details the methods to be used to present Science Mesh to the key target audience of the CS3MESH4EOSC project, composed of researchers, industry, developers, policy makers, and citizens.

.. Read more

213 Views111 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.3: Data Management Plan

Published on: 29 May 2020

Pedro Ferreira; Jakub Moscicki; Anna Manou

The deliverable D1.3 Data Management Plan aims at presenting a plan for the Project data and Platform data management. It presents the data privacy practices adopted by the Project for the Project and the actions put in place to ensure a user privacy-friend.. Read more

211 Views105 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.2 Quality Assurance Plan

Published on: 29 May 2020

Pedro Ferreira; Jakub Moscicki; Anna Manou

The D1.2 Quality Assurance Plan aims at providing a clear set of rules and guidelines to ensure that the project partners follow the well-defined procedures and efficient management and collaboration is achieved throughout the lifetime of the CS3MESH4EOSC P.. Read more

198 Views81 Downloads
Project deliverable

D5.6: First Public Version of Project Website

Published on: 08 Mar 2020

Frederik Orellana

The public project website together with a private collaboration site have been built and deployed on one of the technological platforms of the project. The rationale and technical choices behind this are described as well as the content and functionality o.. Read more

220 Views92 Downloads
Project deliverable

D1.1 Agenda & minutes of kick-off meeting and all other project meetings

Published on: 28 Feb 2020

Pedro Ferreira; Anna Manou; Jakub Moscicki

This document summarizes the work done in the context of Deliverable D1.1 of Work Package 1 in the CS3MESH4EOSC project. Detailed information is provided regarding all official project meetings organized to date, as well as pointers to all relevant data. Th.. Read more

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