How does the Science Mesh work?
Each user can start from the node they already use...
...and access data hosted on different nodes...

A CERNBox user is able to access and receive back data hosted on Sciebo created by another user...

Each user can start from the node they already use...
...and access data hosted on different nodes...

A Surfdrive user is able to access and receive back data hosted on Sciebo created by another user...

...thanks to the Science Mesh Data Services
- Data Science Environments
- On-demand Data Transfer
- Collaborative Documents
- Open Data Systems
...via a Data Transfer service offered by Science Mesh
- Data Science Environments
- On-demand Data Transfer
- Collaborative Documents
- Open Data Systems
Click the items in the image to learn more
CS3MESH4EOSC provides a Pan-European natively FAIR and GDPR compliant data storage and sharing fabric. Science Mesh, the main asset of the project, provides an interoperable platform to easily sync & share, and deploy applications and software components within the full CS3 community to extend functionalities of the service.
Science Mesh enables researchers, educators, data curators and analysts to retain control over their remote or domestic datasets, while becoming FAIR compatible and integrated with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at the same time. This will offer researchers opportunities to assemble an efficient, reliable, collaborative and transparent research tool chain. Our target stakeholders will be able to directly access the service provided by Science Mesh from easy-to-use interfaces and discover the different functionalities.
These services are independent from the specific field of work of the researchers, thus enabling to reach a wide audience of stakeholders interested in collaborating for increasing scientific knowledge, coming from both the academia and the research industry.
The added-value for the stakeholders of CS3MESH4EOSC relies on the possibility for them to contribute in developing application plugins or easily set-up federations in their own scope and develop their own activities on top of them.
Science Mesh is being developed in close contact with pilot research communities, including Earth Observation (JRC), High Energy Physics (LHC) and Astronomy (LOFAR). Future market opportunities for its commercial use are under study with global IT service companies (e.g Ailleron/SoftwareMind). The federated testbed already exists, connecting 8 initial sites.
Instructions to deploy software and rules of participation are available at Science Mesh Official Website.