RiseSMA develops solutions for contemporary challenges for Social Media Analytics (SMA).
RiseSMA develops solutions for contemporary challenges for Social Media Analytics (SMA).
Field of study
The Scientific challenge
Coordinating in the papers that you are working on, Managing social media data (100GB+)
The Technical challenge
Synchronous editing, collaborative citations, using software like Gephi online.
Most people use the web version of applications leading to sync problems.
Continuous switching across online and offline analysis leading to inconvenient uploading and downloading.
The Business challenge
Privacy issues, problem on where to store the data, security configurations can be very restrictive (like cannot delete folders)
The Solution
Tool that makes it easier to collaborate and analyze data online, Enable citation management online,Easier guest accounts and management of admin accounts, much more explicit functionality list, activity feed
The scientific, societal, economical and policy impact
Help people in the crisis situation using social media data, Better understanding of the social media issues in society such as fake news and social bots
Different groups on OwnCloud have to create shared folders but it is difficult to make guest accounts, there is a high reliance on email to send data, currently using other document sharing platforms, but can be very disorganised and not secure
Easier to collaborate on documents.
Much secure storage of data.
End-users and research communities
More efficient research workflows through collaborations, easier to manage visibility of data
Institutional operators and services
Less workload if they can give to researchers the authority to manage access
Commercial software developers
Increase the use of cloud through new apps
Non-commercial software developers
All scientific disciplines nowadays are data-driven, and data analytics play an increasing role in all types of research. Distributed data science environments will enable developers and data scientists to support research in all fields of study, facilitating more effective collaboration between scientific institutions.
Policy makers & citizens
Secure data collaborations, easier to share data to other users.
Technical implementation
Integration of Collabora for collaborative document editing and sciebo RDS for future connectors for example for the implementation of citation managers
Contribution to the EOSC
Making it possible to collaborate at office documents is a major step in moving away users from Google Docs
Future developments
Integration of citation management software (in Open Data Systems or Collaborative Documents)