The CS3MESH4EOSC project aims to constitute a natural vehicle for public awareness in order to attract and engage with a wide pan-European research community, as well as involving promising researchers in improving Open Science in the European Union.

To further strengthen this strategy, the CS3MESH4EOSC project will seek to involve all relevant services using EOSC as the main contact point. This mechanism will also create an opportunity to further increase awareness of personal data protection among the wider user community and service providers.

Engaging researchers, developers, and professionals involved in EOSC is vital for CS3MESH4EOSC in terms of linking different communities and enabling them to collaborate.

The Science Mesh service will be interoperable with OpenAIRE tools, allowing metadata aggregation and direct export to OpenAIRE repositories such as Zenodo. All the actors in research and collaboration workflows will also be able to interact with each other without leaving their institution's service interface.


The Science Mesh service will allow sites running sync & share services for their users to retain control of their datasets while becoming FAIR compatible and integrated with EOSC.

The Science Mesh will directly support and encourage FAIR and GDPR compliant data practices: users of all existing participating sites will be capable of easily augmenting data stored with full, schema-compliant metadata, which will be cross-site queryable. Thus, data that was previously un-reusable, will become annotated and discoverable. The Open Cloud Mesh standard will help to create an underlying infrastructure upon which it would be easier to implement FAIR services to make data interoperable through the Science Mesh.

Users will have an interface at their fingertips which adds a publishing and PID minting pathway to the data lifecycle, providing the levels of discoverability that will make data properly citable and reusable. These FAIR-enhancing capabilities will be directly linked at the interface level with content creation capabilities and interactions across the federated sharing service infrastructure: collaborative documents’ editing, creation of Notebooks and results from computational environments and transferred datasets.

Also, CS3MESH4EOSC will work with FAIRsFAIR to ensure the Science Mesh service can be aligned with the Rules of Participation and encourage the Science Mesh sites to make use of the FAIR Competence Centre.