In real-time with multiple contents and with data shared in different folders, enabling the user to track their contents.
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Collaborative Documents
This Data Service is about the integration of collaborative content editing applications in the Science Mesh service to enable cross-federation collaboration on content in real-time.
Objective: Users will be able to simultaneous edit documents, comment, versioning etc.
Whenever possible, existing connectors will be used for this work (for example such as the ones already prototyped at CERN).
The selected application products may need to be made compatible with CS3APIs. In this regard, it will be put in place by subcontracting (the CS3API compatibility will become part of the product).
Technology Readiness Level by M1
Technology Readiness Level by M36
Unique Selling Points (USPs)
Target users
Use cases
Business / Market sectors
All working with office documents.
Specific needs
Ability to open data stored in an EFSS and be aware of other users opening that data at the same time.
Specific benefits
Examples real users
Exploitation drivers
Current stage
Collaborative integration is done, OnlyOffice integration is in progress.
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