The CS3MESH4EOSC is moving from the "Building phase" through to an "Adoption phase" in beginning of 2021. The project is organising a half-day event focused on Science Mesh within the larger CS3 2021 Conference, with a continuation of the dialogue with our stakeholders within the CS3 community towards the CS3 conference in 2022, which will be mainly focused on the real adoption & roll-out & implementation of Science Mesh within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Purpose and main take-aways of the session
The CS3 2021 Conference is the perfect tool for Science Mesh to reach out to all our categories of main target stakeholders (namely the end users and research communities, institutional operators of services, commercial and non-commercial software developers and policy makers) in a single venue to convey our key messages:
- Promote the Science Mesh and its main features/added-value, while presenting the different phases of its development and promotion;
- Attract and engage a set of early adopters to get them using our first initial set of services;
- Promote our initial set of services and use cases, with the final aim to enlarge the offer and our community;
- Increase the relevance of Open Science and Digital Sovereignty in Europe to better improve policy making at the benefit of our society.
The main goal of the Science Mesh Workshop for the CS3MESH4EOSC project is to initiate a collaborative dialogue with early adopters and potential vendors that will contribute to the final development, deployment and adoption of the Science Mesh.
A series of other communication and dissemination activities will be provided in 2021 to keep the attention of our stakeholders high (as interviews, webinars, podcasts and events), which will then culminate in a second event at the CS3 Conference in 2022.
Benefits for the participants
- Get insights about the Science Mesh services and features including data services;
- Have information on timeline, processes and benefits of joining the project;
- Understand the necessary approaches for adopting Science Mesh and increase the offer of services for collaborative research and working environments.
Draft Agenda (timezone: CET)
- 9.00-09:10 Welcome and objectives - Jakub Moscicki, from CERN, CS3MESH4EOSC Project Coordinator (Presentation | Video)
- 9.10-09:40 Added value of the Science Mesh for adopters and vendors - Pedro Ferreira, from CERN, CS3MESH4EOSC Technical Coordinator (Presentation | Video)
- 9.40-10.10 Science Mesh for site administrators: operation, security, trust - Ron Trompert, from SURFsara, CS3MESH4EOSC (Presentation | Video)
- 10.10-10.40 How to join the Science Mesh? Daniel Mueller, from WWU Münster (Presentation | Video)
- 10.40-11.10 Science Mesh for users: applications, use cases & workflow demo - Maciej Brzezniak, from PSNC, CS3MESH4EOSC (Presentation | Video)
- 11.10-11.30 Science Mesh for developers: how to contribute to CS3APIs and IOP - Hugo Gonzàlez Labrador, from CERN, CS3MESH4EOSC (Presentation | Video)
- 11.30-11.45 Interactive Coffee break
- 11.45-12.20 Q/A and Feedback from Science Mesh Early Adopters
- 12.20-12.30 Next steps towards adopting the Science Mesh - Jakub Moscicki, from CERN, CS3MESH4EOSC Project Coordinator (Video)