Technology from the
Science Mesh Data Source
The sciebo RDS (Research Data Services) has set itself the goal of bringing low-threshold services and tools from research data management and scientific analysis to where the scientists are already handling their data – the university cloud “sciebo”.
Sciebo RDS uses an agile approach to software engineering (Scrum with elements from Kanban and XP) which makes it possible to react quickly to new situations, e.g. software problems, and helps particularly with respect to the handling of unforeseen or changing requirements. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, sciebo RDS will pursue the following strategies:
- The sciebo RDS integrate external research data services, such as for the creation and the administration of data management plans.
- They offer bridge functionalities by enabling the connection to external services via programming interfaces and connecting these to continuous, partly automatic processes and process chains.
- They adapt and integrate external expert tools, such as editors for special file formats or data types.
- They offer basic RDM functionalities, e.g. for capturing metadata or indexing via taxonomies.
Sciebo is a non-commercial cloud storage by universities for universities, where you can securely store your research, study and teaching data.