Watch this recording to learn more about CS3MESH4EOSC and the Science Mesh!
March 6-8, 2023 | ESADE Forum-Pedralbes Campus
CS3 2023 will be held in person in magnificent Barcelona! This is the perfect opportunity to get together after two long years of teleconferencing and on/off teleworking. Meet old colleagues and get to know new members of the CS3 community. Reconnect, inspire and get inspired, learn from each other and have some fun together, too.
The CS3 community consists of providers, developers, and users of innovative storage and sync&share systems. Its services are integrated with user environments and higher-level application services. Furthermore, CS3 reports on the progress in data science at all levels, namely local laboratories, regional collaborations, and global science. CS3 applications range from innovative big-data analysis to science outreach and education.
Submit your abstract here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1210538/abstracts/
The final agenda is available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1210538/timetable/#20230306.detailed
Confirmed keynotes
- Prof. Alfonso Valencia on Bioinformatics and Supercomputing
- Prof. Barend Mons on FAIR Principles for Open Science and Data Stewardship
The CS3MESH4EOSC project is a official supporter of CS3 Conference 2023
CS3MESH4EOSC at the CS3 Conference
CS3MESH4EOSC is having a series of presentations about the Science Mesh on 7th March 2023:
- 12:15/12:30 - "Science Mesh - an interoperable federation of EFSS services"
- 14:50/16:10 - "Science Mesh Demos"
Official webpage: https://www.esade.edu/faculty-research/en/institute-innovation-knowledge-management/outreach/cloud-services-for-synchronisation-and-sharing