This section lists the synergistic partnerships that have been established between the Science Mesh infrastructure and diverse scientific initiatives. Furthermore, in addition to these collaborations, other forms of synergies have been successfully forged, specifically in relation to use cases and the adoption of technologies. For comprehensive details concerning these additional synergies, kindly also refer to the corresponding section.
eduGain and OCM are joint international initiatives under the umbrella of the GÉANT.
EGI-ACE and CS3MESH4EOSC collaborated for the integration EGI jupyternotebooks computing cloud with CS3MESH4EOSC storage cloud, in a seamless manner (without extra login) from September 2021, starting with the funding call.
The CS3MESH4EOSC partner University of Münster (WWU) is linked to several eScience projects run in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW), such as the SCIEBO platform, funded through NRW eScience, and the NRW research
ESCAPE ESAP Work package is focusing on developing the ESCAPE Science Analysis Platform (SAP).
FAIMS3 is a project aimed at building a digital platform for data collection in the field and offline, targeted at geology, archaeology, and crop science.
InvenioRDM is a turn-key research data management (RDM) repository platform based on Invenio Framework and Zenodo developed by CERN.
Rclone Open Source Community and CS3MESH4OSC have been developing a joint set of requirements, instead of developing code in-house.
HIFIS is the federated cloud computing IT capability of the Helmholtz society. HIFIS is currently building a federation of EFSS sites in many ways similar to Science Mesh.