ownCloud is a file server that enables secure storage, collaboration and sharing. It is convenient to store files in the cloud, so they are available on any device and can be shared with a few clicks. There are a lot of popular providers like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and Dropbox. With a lot of these vendors, files are stored and processed beyond users control. With U.S. firms, files are subject to the Cloud Act and thus to government snooping.
Consistently based on open standards and modularity, ownCloud is suitable as a robust and security-oriented file platform for proprietary environments and as well open-source software environments. As a result, ownCloud combines fully sovereign file storage with modern, efficient productivity tools while maintaining auditable source code and comprehensive release functions. Users can install ownCloud themselves or rent a managed instance.
ownCloud Infinite Scale (oCIS) is the new file sync & share platform that will be the foundation of data management platform.