The Science Mesh Workshop: unlocking Open Science and Digital Sovereignty in Europe

The Science Mesh Workshop: unlocking Open Science and Digital Sovereignty in Europe

On Thursday 28 January, the CS3MESH4EOSC EU funded project will organise a virtual half-day workshop entitled “Moving Towards the Adoption Phase for Science Mesh”, co-located with the CS3 2021 Conference. This event will be focused on the real adoption, roll-out & implementation of the Science Mesh within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

CS3MESH4EOSC – Making data sharing in Europe child’s play: an interview with the coordinator Jakub Moscicki

CS3MESH4EOSC – Making data sharing in Europe child’s play: an interview with the coordinator Jakub Moscicki


Effective exploitation of data is key to scientific and economic progress. It is largely determined by the ability of users to share and collaborate on datasets as well as making a useful connection between the datasets and other services such as, for example, computing services for data analysis or digital repositories for data classification and preservation. 


The initial definition of Science Mesh Protocols and Application Programming Interfaces is ready!

The CS3MESH4EOSC project has just reached the first milestone of its work: to define the vendor-neutral protocols and application programming interfaces (API) needed to build the Science Mesh, an interoperable platform to easily synchronise & share files, and deploy applications and software components within the full CS3 community (Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing).  I

Join the ScienceMesh journey

Join the ScienceMesh journey

Are you about to deploy a network attached Storage (NAS) solution for your research project or looking into the wide range of cloud-based storage solutions from Google, AWS, Dropbox and many others? Maybe your it-department offers an on-site storage solution? The possibilities are endless, but the time needed to asses the pains and gains of each solution will cost you valuable time and effort.

RDA Adoption Week

Join the upcoming conference on data sharing

Several CS3MESH4EOSC participants have already set their sights on participating in RDA’s next upcoming virtual conference, the Global Adoption Week.

Cloud storage tailored for researchers

Cloud storage tailored for researchers

Are you about to deploy a network attached Storage (NAS) solution for your research project or looking into the wide range of cloud-based storage solutions from Google, AWS, Dropbox and many others? Maybe your it-department offers an on-site storage solution? The possibilities are endless, but the time needed to asses the pains and gains of each solution will cost you valuable time and effort. Why not leverage the results of community efforts in the research community - by researchers and for researchers?

FAIR data handling with CS3MESH4EOSC

FAIR data handling with CS3MESH4EOSC

If you know you will be gathering scientific data, you're likely also looking to store and share your data on a fit-to-task repository. But what about all the metadata you'll be compiling - and how can you plan to ensure necessary compliance with FAIR principles? First and foremost, you will have to set a relevant target for your endeavors. Which repository, metadata catalog and support channels should you rely upon?

The project has officially started

The project has officially started

At a successful kickoff event, manpower has been assigned, a steering committee has been elected, dinner has been eaten and the project is well underway.

Meet CS3MESH4EOSC in Copenhagen

Meet CS3MESH4EOSC in Copenhagen

The yearly CS3 conference is being held in Copenhagen on Monday, January 27. The CS3 Concerence is welcoming guests and speakers from across Europe and the world with a packed program, starting with a thought-provoking keynote titled "May we please store your personal data?" by Michiel De Jong.